Monday, June 18, 2012

Collaboration - Social Software for Business

News that Microsoft is buying Yammer for 1.2 Billion represents another big-dollar endorsement of social networking technology in business.  Big companies, including a large percentage of Fortune 500 companies, are now looking to leverage this technology.

We have all seen the power of social media, with Facebook, LinkedIn, and Twitter.  Now companies are looking to embrace this trend and to build internal social networking sites using Yammer, Jive Software, or's Chatter.

These products bring the power of social networking to the enterprise in a private and secure environment. They are as easy to use, but designed for business collaboration. They connect people, content, and conversations across all of your business applications with productivity software that employees love to use.

It was only a matter of time for companies to jump on the social networking bandwagon, and now they can reap all the benefits while maintaining control of the users and the data.

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